We all know that almonds are a wonderful addition to your diet. The skins contain high levels of dietary fibre which is important in maintaining a good digestive system. The nuts themselves are a great source of protein, vitamin E, omega-6, iron, calcium and magnesium. But here are some facts that you may not have known about this popular nut…

Almonds are related to Peaches! (via foodiosity.com)
Almonds come from the prunus family – the same as peaches, cherries and apricots! The nuts that we are so familiar with are actually the seed of the fruit. Unlike its fruity cousins, you can’t actually eat the fleshy part of the almond fruit.
Almonds can be turned into milk!
Our almond milk recipe is SO simple. All you need are three ingredients and you are good to go! Add a medjool date when blending to make a sweeter milk. You can also turn the ‘pulp’ left over into almond meal by spreading on a baking tray and cooking on a low heat for a few hours. See our almond milk recipe here
Almonds can keep for a long time!
Whole unblanched almonds will keep well for up to two years in the fridge. Their long storage life is due in part to vitamin E which helps keep them fresh. If you don’t have room in the fridge then we recommend sealing the bag with a freshness clip and storing your almonds in a nice cool, dark place.
Almonds have one of the highest content of protein of all nuts!
Per 100g there is 21.1g of protein giving almonds one of the highest protein content of all nuts! Almonds make a great addition to smoothies for those trying to bulk up! They are also great additions to vegetarian and vegan diets!
Almonds are great for your heart!
Almonds are high in mono-unsaturated fats, the same type of health-promoting fats as are found in olive oil, which have been associated with reduced risk of heart disease.
Almond flour makes a great gluten-free alternative to wheat flour!
Almond flour is a delicious and versatile option for gluten-free baking. Our almond flour is a different product entirely from ground almonds. It is a fat-reduced alternative to wheat flour, which is gluten-free and low in carbohydrates. This unblanched almond flour makes the ideal addition to cakes, puddings, pastry and of course is the main ingredient in marzipan.
Almonds are natural energy booster.
The presence of manganese, copper and Riboflavin in almonds helps in energy production and metabolic rate. We recommend carrying a tub of almonds to give you a boost when you are feeling your energy slump. Adding some whole unblanched almonds to your smoothie in the morning is great way to start your day!
Ground almonds can be used as a healthy alternative to breadcrumbs! (via cooksmarts.com)
We recommend using ground almonds: either make your own from ground almonds or grind up whole almonds . This tasty recipe coats tilapia with ground almonds, egg and almond flour! See recipe>>here
Almonds make the most delicious nut butter!
Almond butter puts your bog-standard peanut butter to shame. It is creamy, nutritious and seriously addictive! We stock a range of almond butters from roasted almond butter to raw almond butter – there is something for everyone! Nut butters taste great spread on toast or crispbreads, you can also add them to smoothies, sauces or baking!
Use as a substitute instead of Pine Nuts in pesto!
We used Roasted Blanched almonds as a substitute to pine nuts when we made our tasty dairy-free spinach pesto! See the full recipe here!