Bringing your own lunch to work often means you are able to make healthier and more economical choices! Sometimes a vegan’s choices can be limited in what they can choose to buy any way, so we thought we would show you some of our favourite vegan lunch recipes!
Chickpea and Sweet Potato Curry (via
Make this recipe for dinner and take the left overs for work the next day! We recommend serving with brown rice or homemade chapatis!
Homemade Falafel with cucumber dressing (via
Falafels are an amazing addition to lunchboxes, picnics and BBQ! We love serving them with lashings of cucumber dressing and in pitta breads! Substitute the greek yoghurt for a vegan friendly yoghurt!
Asian Broccoli Salad with Peanut Sauce (via
This beautiful salad is almost too pretty to eat! Enjoy as it is or serve with tofu or seitan!
Avocado & Heirloom Tomato Toast with Balsamic Drizzle (via
This magnificent open sandwich is so simple yet so delicious. Balsamic vinegar would work, but glaze is so much better! Pick yours up here!
Baked Tofu with Asian Layered Salad
Simply bake your tofu, assemble your veg and screw the top on your mason jar! This simple salad is packed with flavour! We recommend taking out the honey in the marinade and replacing with coconut nectar syrup.
Easy to make, vegan, creamy & delicious! Made using oat cream, spelt grain & freeze-dried vegetables.
Avocado Pasta (via
Avocados are great for creating creamy sauces without the need for cream or cheese! You can also add them to smoothies for a creamy consistency!
Millet Power Bowl (via
We love this power bowl! It is filled with amazing vegetables, marinated beans and creamy millet! The perfect way to energise at lunch!
Teriyaki Cauliflower Rice Bowls (via
Perfect for those of you on the paleo diet! Cauliflower is used here instead of rice for a nutritional and delcious lunch!
Best Ever Mushroom Soup (via
We recommend using some of our mushroom powder in this recipe too! Mushrooms are a vegan’s special ingredient! Mushrooms soak up flavours so well, making them the ideal addition to soups and stews!