Christmas Spice Hot Chocolate Sticks
- Just stir into hot milk (plant-based to keep it vegan) for a soothing drink.
- White chocolate with a mild malty taste.
- Mild, sweet lassi-style flavourings.
- Makes x5 30ml sized hot chocolate sticks.
Cocoa Butter 250g, Organic (Sussex Wholefoods)
50g Cocoa Butter
Organic Cashew Nuts 500g (Sussex Wholefoods)
55g Cashew Nuts
Coconut Blossom Nectar Syrup, Organic 350g (Biona)
3 Tbsp Coconut Blossom Nectar Syrup
Pure Bourbon Vanilla Extract 100ml (Littlepod)
¼ tsp of Vanilla Extract
Maca Powder, Raw Organic 200g (Sussex Wholefoods)
2 tsp Maca Powder
2 tsp of Christmas Stollen Spice Blend
Profusion Himalayan Rose Pink Salt - fine 500g
Pinch of salt (optional)
Other Ingredients
- Place a single lollipop stick or ice-lolly stick into clean disposable tasting cups (30ml size) or any other suitable chocolate mould. Lay these out onto a flat baking tray or marble chopping board. Keep to one side.
- Using a coffee grinder or food processor grind the cashew nuts into a fine powder.
- Melt the Cocoa Butter in a Bain Marie: a bowl nestled over another bowl or pan filled with boiling water. It is not necessary to put this on the cooker. Just use the heat from the boiling water and refresh as necessary. This will help prevent the mixture from overheating and causing crystallisation in the finished chocolate.
- Next gently stir in the ground cashews and pumpkin spice. Stir until evenly distributed.
- Add the vanilla extract and syrup, and mix thoroughly.
- Using a teaspoon or dessert spoon fill the chocolate mould shapes just to the surface. Allow to cool either in the fridge or in a cool place. If you’re in a hurry use the fridge!
- The chocolate will look lighter in colour as it starts to solidify.