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How can we help?

Why do items I've added to my basket disappear?

If you’ve added items to your basket, only to return at a later time to find they’ve disappeared, this could be due to an issue with your computer’s cookie settings. Cookies are records retained by computers which identify what you have done on internet sites you visit, and they’re needed so your device can communicate with websites such as ours and retain information such as what you’ve added to your basket. To fix the problem, you’ll need to instruct your device to enable and accept cookies. However, the method of doing this differs depending on what device and internet browser you’re using. We advise doing a simple Google search for how to enable cookies using the device and browser you have. You should also ensure you have updated your internet browser, as problems may arise if it’s over a year since the last update. Doing these things should help you resolve the problem, but if you’re still having trouble, please contact us at service@healthysupplies.co.uk and we’ll be happy to help!


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