Delicious vegetarian, grain-free kibble with organic soya beans, peas, tapioca, white lupine and seaweed for adult dogs. A complete, nutritious and highly appetising meal for your dog made with the best vegetarian ingredients, ideal for dogs that have difficulty with both animal proteins and grains.
Great taste. Best ingredients
Good for animals and planet
Organic; pure and healthy
Vegetarian, grain-free kibble made with organic soybeans, peas, tapioca, white lupine, and seaweed for adult dogs. This organic dog food forms a complete, nutritious, and oh-so-delicious meal for your dog. It's pure organic food, which means no chemical fragrances, colourings, or aromas, no added pesticides or GMOs, and only the best absorbable vegetable proteins. So your dog gets exactly what they need.
Soy beans* green peas*, tapioca*, coconut fat*, lupine*, sunflower seed husks*, minerals, brewers yeast, baobab*, pea protein*, seaweed*.
Excellent service Excellent products Excellent prices. I love shopping at Healthy Supplies Ltd.
Carol Turner9 Feb 2025
quality products
ady con8 Feb 2025
Excellent service - prompt delivery - kept informed by emails from both Healthy Supplies and DHL. No...
Lost Cause8 Feb 2025
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Emma G
I love tofu scramble but never have the spoons to make it from scratch so this is PERFECT. Great tas...
Karl Matthes
Long term customers of Healthy Supplies and very happy with the quality & price.
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I always order Lions Mane and Turkey Tail mushroom powder to add to lots of homemade dishes, but my ...
Lesley Nicholson
Recently diagnosed with non coeliac gluten intolerance so new to gluten free diet.
Great to find goo...
Ramesh Chandar
Received my latest order from Healthysupplies. Quality and source of produce always good.
Mrs Christine Luther-Barnes
Love everything a lot you can't get in local shops. Will recommend and be buying again.
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